REPORT - 16th August 2020
Well, I was doing alright for a good few weeks. Got most of the core animation for my new vid is done. So next is backgrounds and VFX. Not too many backgrounds or FX to do. The next major hurdle is sound and lipsyncing. Not necessarily hard, but tedious. So anywho, I know a guy who knows this other guy who was telling me this story of how he got really high and wasted a week of his life playing Sea of Thieves instead of being useful. Cool story huh? On an unrelated note, I'm not where I should be with the animation. This may get messy since I still got other shit I'm supposed to get on to. Oh well, shit happens I guess.
Current Priority list:
1. Birthday - Animation
# Hardest part done, need to do all the other shit now. Hopefully done by next week.
2. Life (Robot Day) - Animation
# Most likely gonna do something quick and dirty. I got a funny idea that shouldn't need much animation too. Probs should've worked on this earlier, but being timely isn't my schtick.
3. Party Contest - Drawing
# Relative to how much time I have until the due date. Been wanting to get better at drawing, and want to use the "OC party" theme to see how many characters I've have actually made so far.
4. Corona Party 3 - Animation
# Passed 5,000,000 cases in the US, time for some more partying coronas. Thinking of doing the "Covid-19 || Corona-chan Anime [HD] Opening 1". I think another partying corona video might be a bit boring, unless I can get a banger of a song.
5. Toaster - Animation
# Just a quick joke so my new OC Bella can get more screentime. Now that I think about it, I should probably draw her up a proper character sheet. In fact, I should be drawing character sheets for all my characters as a whole. I will need to slot that in sometime somewhere.
Current Project:
"Birthday" - (estimated) Runtime: 5:00
- Core animation - 96%
- Backgrounds - 13%
- VFX - 35%
- Camera - 99%
- Lipsyncing - 0%
- Sound Design - 0%
- Final Edit - 0%
So there you go, person who read this far down the page. Hows that for a progress report? I think it has good formatting and stuff like that. Laying out my plots and ploys... kind of... Meh, better than nothing.