G'day g'day, ChillyBite here. I swear a lot and make sh!t when I'm bored. Music, art and animations. So don't be a f*cking c*nt and follow me or I'll smash your f*cking head in you little c*nt.
No cops.

Age 28, Kangaroo

Corporate Overseer

ChillyCorp Private Property

Straya m8

Joined on 7/2/12

Exp Points:
798 / 900
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Vote Power:
5.12 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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ChillyBite's News

Posted by ChillyBite - 1 month ago

Well fuck...

...Long time no see, eh?

Sorry I died, life got very complicated very quickly. Moved places three times in one year, changed jobs twice, and nearly went homeless. In general I've been pretty scattered and haven't been able to focus much on personal projects. BUT! I am still wondering around and shitting out works here and there. But before we get into something you actually want, first I'm gonna talk about stuff you probably don't care about:

I had two major projects planned for last year: "The Frontline of Fun" pilot episode, and "Kate's Homework". Neither of those came to be, so let me explain. All the scripting for "Kate's Homework" has been done, all it needs is to be put into full production. "Kate's Homework" is currently at the top of my list for animation projects to be put out. This thing has been sitting in the waiting room for too long and I'm really looking forward to getting to work on it, especially since I've upgraded from Flash to Clip Studio Paint.

As for "The Frontline of Fun", that project is still being planned. While I got a good idea how I want a bunch of episodes to play out I'm currently conflicted with the art-style I want. I don't want to do my default style, I want something that stands out and flows with the vibe of the series. I was also hoping to expand my animation skills into 3D and I'm currently experimenting with styles to find something I like. Point is, no idea when this is going to actually get done, so consider this project on hiatus.

NOW! What the fuck have I actually been doing since the last post?

Well, the big one you may have seen me in is the NGTV Christmas Collab where some ChillyCorp clones were helping out with a national emergency.

And I guess we have a new named clone. Meet E-0109 "Kidaari", Security Overseer. Best known for her attentiveness and winning smile.


I also contributed to the NG Secret Santa Art Trade by giving this:

And I got this:


Otherwise, at the moment I'm just getting back into the swing of things again. I'm working on some fanart for a bunch of different streamers I like. Here's one I did for a streamer friend for his new video on Youtube:


Oh, and that Live2D model I was talking about back in April of last year is finished. Go check it out on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/chillybite117) where you can watch me LIVE! Yes, you too can see first hand how easily distracted and incompetent I am and instantly understand why my production speed is so bad.

And uhh... that's about it. I'm alive again. Hopefully I can get back to monthly updates and new content. But at the moment I'm just crawling out of my grave and shaking off all the rust.

Have a good one mate.



Posted by ChillyBite - May 14th, 2024

Hi, I'm not dead. Sorry I missed a whole month but things have been rather chaotic on my end. I've had to move again, get a new job, and broke my main computer. So unfortunately I don't have much to offer despite the time gap.

In case you haven't seen it, the 'Yu-Gi-Oh BANNED Episode' came is out back in April and can be watched on Newgrounds and Youtube:

Otherwise, the only creative work I've been doing is creating a new PNGtuber avatar and working on a new Live2D vtuber model. The original Live2D model I was working on has been put in hiatus as the files for it were on my main computer which has now died. So I had to start from scratch with a new model. We're still in the drawing phase but hopefully we can start rigging by the end of the week. Progress on the model can be seen live on my Twitch (I typically stream 6pm - 12pm AEST):


But here's some concept art and current progress snapshot below:

Concept Art:


Current Progress:


Unfortunately I don't have anything major planned for this month. I'll just be working on the Live2D model. I've ordered new computer parts which will hopefully be arriving soon which will give me a PC more powerful than my old main PC with its brains and original files still intact. I'll be busy with work over the next few months, but I have a few shorter animation projects planned in the future.



Posted by ChillyBite - March 27th, 2024

Hi anyone who sees this, I'm going to be interviewed by Aalasteir on the A200 program and answering questions from people. So if you've ever wanted to know what the fuck is wrong with me, now's your chance!




Posted by ChillyBite - March 19th, 2024

Hello anyone, here's the (slightly late) March monthly update. Since the last update I've gotten a few things done with more to come just around the corner. So firstly lets get into the good stuff.

I finally made the boobjob. Here it is:

While this is all well and good, I'll probably come back to this one and make it a full finished product and animate it finishing and covering her full with his product. I'll try to make more short porn loops over time, but don't have anything specifically planned on that front at the moment.

In addition, I have my first Kofi animated credit reward for ValouredCoward which can be seen here:

You'll be seeing her in my credits roll for my videos and livestreams (well, in my livestreams when I get around to implementing them. Sorry, just a lil pre-occupied with other shit. But definitely in the credits of videos). And if YOU TOO want a dancing animu credit, head to my Kofi and become a Shareholder ($50 a month).

Finally, I've been practicing and getting accustomed to Clip Studio Paint. My first "Proof of concept" animation can be found on my Youtube here:


It's not really a proper video, so I thought it unworthy of refined, astute tastes of Newgrounds professionals. But after having a bit of practise and experience working with CSP I now have a pretty decent idea on how stuff plays on in the program so I'm moving on to my first propper animation...



I got a new animation coming soon called "BANNED Yu-gi-oh Episode". A Yu-gi-oh parody animation involving traps, your last pathetic card and a prison shanking. Typical children's card game stuff. While being obviously nostalgia bait for the drooling masses of Youtube, it will also be a good opportunity to show off the new and improved animation quality brought to us by Clip Studio Paint. Hopefully I'll be able to finish this one this week. All the keyframe animation and voice acting is done so it's just the in-between frames, lip-syncing, tweening, backgrounds, SFX and final editting that's left (trust me, it's less work than it sounds).

In addition, I've been hammering out a draft for a new Vtuber model:


It's a GSU.A-2 with the designation "Sunny Star" that had her adaptive personality trained on vtuber fanbases. So theoretically, it should be the perfect vtuber waifu according to our algorithms. Oh well, I guess we'll find out soon enough. But regardless she's gonna be a new edition to the Marketing and Media Department's 'Vtuber and Livestream Entertainment' operation.


So that's it for this update. The Yu-Gi-Oh animation should be coming out soon, I have a short commission animation lined up as well as a Live2D model commission. So they might be occupying most of my attention when the YGO animation is finished. I'll probably do some hentai art and/or get a final design for Sunny put into a propper reference sheet.

But until then, have a good one mates.



Posted by ChillyBite - February 15th, 2024

I'm back for another monthly update to let anyone who cares know what went right, what went wrong, and where is the porn we were promised.

I finished and released The Most Oppressed Group in History, however this production ended up being a bit of a shitshow. I originally did the guideline work and planned to do the entire animation in OpenToonz. However, I ended up having consistent stability problems while trying to use it for anything more than the guideline layer. I spent a good couple of days trying to get it to work but simply couldn't. So I had to export the work I did manage to do from OpenToonz and import it into trusty ol' Flash. While this ensured I could finish the animation, I burned more time than I anticipated dealing with OpenToonz and my further plans of moving to making OpenToonz my primary animation software got flushed down the shitter. But regardless, The Most Oppressed Group in History is done and can be watched on Youtube and Newgrounds here:


Due to the problems I had with OpenToonz the porn loop never ended up being done. While some crude guide lining work was made it never properly entered into any kind of production. As a result of this, instead of planning to move over to OpenToonz I've instead decided to move over to Clip Studio Paint. I have been testing it out and am currently working on a short animation loop that I plan to do in a few different styles. This is to see what style I find most comfortable and efficient to work with in CSP. When I do find something I'm comfortable with, I'll look to finally doing the porn loop. But for now, I'm just getting accustomed to CSP.


So? What's the plan for this month?

February I intend to finish the above animation and hopefully finish (or, at the very least, get started) the planned porn loop. But my main focus will probably be creating a new Live2D model. While kind of for myself, this is mostly to practice in Live2D for a vtuber model commission I have lined up for next month. So I'll try to put something out, but this month there isn't much in the way of high hopes for any major animations here on Newgrounds. I'll probably look to making more Youtube content since Youtube has no standards and will take any crap I shit out.

Well, that's it for this update I guess. Hopefully I can get something out for everyone to chew on, even if it's something small. But for this month my plans are primarily elsewhere.

Have a good one mates.



Posted by ChillyBite - January 19th, 2024

REPORT - 19th January 2024

Hello there. No I'm not dead apparently. It's been many years since I made any kind of update post here, mostly because of laziness but also due to life stuff getting in the way. So for anyone curious (and to help push myself into the mentality of organised scheduling) I'm finally back to posting monthly update reports on my activity.

Firstly lets give a quick recap of what I've been up to. I've dropped out of uni like the failure I am, but in reality I've come to terms with the reality I don't learn properly in the environment of formal education. After leaving uni I've began to study new skills independently. I've learn modelling and rigging in Live2D so I can sell my skills making Vtuber models. In addition, I've also learned modelling and rigging in Blender so I can sell my skill making and rigging 3D models. I also hope to expand into full 3D animations. As is the nature of the 3D environment, I'll need to look to saving money to upgrade my computer to have more processing power to work and render with higher quality models. Finally, I've been learning how to use the Godot and Unity engine (But Unity is on death's door atm so I don't know how useful that will end up being). It's always been a personal dream of mine to create video games, but I understand this is a very expensive and time consuming craft and don't have much expectation to create games anytime soon.

So, that brings us to nowadays. I now want to build my brand and portfolio in the hopes I can make content creation my full time job. I love telling stories, making music, and drawing cute animu girls. So I plan for this year to be a year of content. So here's the big plan for this month (or what's left of it).

POV with the Courier (Youtube only) - This is a series of voice acting YTshorts about Fallout: New Vegas in-jokes. Namely that of seeing the Courier from the POV of certain NPCs where you get to see the Courier at his most psychopathic. Two episodes are already out now and I plan on releasing a new one every week.

POV: You're the Courier's Companion


POV: You named the Courier your successor


The Most Oppressed Group in History - A quick and dirty animation about the most oppressed demographic in history, GAMERS. This is mostly going to be made to practice animating in OpenToonz (Ive been moving over to OpenToonz from Adobe Flash/Animate), but it's always been a joke among my mates and I figure I'd finally get around to immortalising it in an animation.

Hentai Animation Loop - That's right kids, we're maximising the horny drive. Again, this is mostly to practice in OpenToonz but as any internet artist knows; Porn is the key to financial success online. So building a portfolio of porn is on my to-do list this year. I don't know exactly what kind of porn I plan on animating, but I plan on animating it none the less.

So that's on the agenda for January, but over the course of the whole year there are a few projects I have lined up for completion:

The Life of Katie - You might know the first episode of this series as "Birthday". You know, the one about child abuse and domestic violence? Well don't worry, things are only going to get more depressing and abusive as we explore the life of Katie as an ongoing series.

Marked Shark - This is a movie project that has been on hiatus for many years now, but it's a project I've always wanted to finish and has always had positive feedback from people I've shown (what I've completed so far) to. So hopefully I can finally get around to finishing it properly for everyone's entertainment. This is a one-shot action movie about a special agent shark who is tasked with saving the President's daughter from a crew of elite terrorists.

The Frontline of Fun - A series about Model 'F' ChillyCorp Clones and their whimsical adventures of slaughter and trauma on the frontlines of a brutal trench war. Hunger, disease, PTSD, and boredom plague the squad of cute girls as they attempt to survive 3 months of war's horrors. I want this series to take a glimpse into the side of war we're not allowed to talk about. No heroic last stands or big-budget battle scenes, no promises of learning from our mistakes or patriotic justifications. Instead, there's just a slow descent into misery and madness where death is as close as it is pointless.

Well that's all I have to say for this update. If you made it this far, thanks for reading. You can look forward to new content coming out over the course of this year. There will no doubt be other little projects I haven't listed being made, but these are the big ones I definitely want to get done.

Have a good one mate.



Posted by ChillyBite - September 28th, 2020

REPORT - 29th September 2020

Well everything has gone to shits. Between Uni assignments, increase workload at work, falling into a drug addiction relapse, family in-fighting and playing too much Dota 2, I've done sweet fuck all over the past month. The only thing I've done loosely resembling any content is starting the foundations of The Excursion 3 and drawing something to use for an audio visualiser for some new music (well, old for Newgrounds) to put on Youtube. Still got a few uni assignments to finish. Hopefully can carve out some time for animating. Also want to get back to the Sargon anime. I said I'd finish Season 6 before the year ends, and I intend to do exactly that. Especially since I want to do the fall of Ralph, doubly so with all his dumb drama going on. And I like to think I've thought of a hilariously awesome ending.

Current Priority list:

1. The Excursion 3 - Animation

# Doing the storyboarding/guidelines. Hopefully should be done before halloween. Not quite as "horrorish" as the last two, but it's still following the story. Already got myself a thing of doing another episode in this series every halloween. Now we get to actually see her go on the excursion itself.

2. Bella & Friend Wallpaper - Drawing

# Mainly to practice drawing more on Krita. Looking to move over to Krita from Adobe Flash for animation. Less efficient, but should (theoretically) be able to put out better looking animation.

3. Covid-19 || Corona-chan Anime [HD] Opening 1 - Animation

# That plague ain't stopping anythime soon, but better get in quick before the vaccine ruins the fun

4. Toaster - Animation

# Just a quick joke so my new OC Bella can get more screentime.

5. Marked Shark (Part 1) - Animation

# I've been sitting on this one for ages, need to actually finish it. I was working on years ago before I fried my old HDD. It's fucking awesome, but that means sweet fuck all if I don't actually finish and upload it. Going to release it scene by scene on Youtube. When it's fully finished, I'll upload it in full here on Newgrounds.

Current Project:

"The Excursion 3" - (estimated) Runtime: 4:30

  • Guidelines - 55%
  • Core animation - 0%
  • Backgrounds - 0%
  • VFX - 0%
  • Camera - 0%
  • Lipsyncing - 0%
  • Sound Design - 0%
  • Final Edit - 0%


Bella and her cuddly pet:




Posted by ChillyBite - August 16th, 2020

REPORT - 16th August 2020

Well, I was doing alright for a good few weeks. Got most of the core animation for my new vid is done. So next is backgrounds and VFX. Not too many backgrounds or FX to do. The next major hurdle is sound and lipsyncing. Not necessarily hard, but tedious. So anywho, I know a guy who knows this other guy who was telling me this story of how he got really high and wasted a week of his life playing Sea of Thieves instead of being useful. Cool story huh? On an unrelated note, I'm not where I should be with the animation. This may get messy since I still got other shit I'm supposed to get on to. Oh well, shit happens I guess.

Current Priority list:

1. Birthday - Animation

# Hardest part done, need to do all the other shit now. Hopefully done by next week.

2. Life (Robot Day) - Animation

# Most likely gonna do something quick and dirty. I got a funny idea that shouldn't need much animation too. Probs should've worked on this earlier, but being timely isn't my schtick.

3. Party Contest - Drawing

# Relative to how much time I have until the due date. Been wanting to get better at drawing, and want to use the "OC party" theme to see how many characters I've have actually made so far.

4. Corona Party 3 - Animation

# Passed 5,000,000 cases in the US, time for some more partying coronas. Thinking of doing the "Covid-19 || Corona-chan Anime [HD] Opening 1". I think another partying corona video might be a bit boring, unless I can get a banger of a song.

5. Toaster - Animation

# Just a quick joke so my new OC Bella can get more screentime. Now that I think about it, I should probably draw her up a proper character sheet. In fact, I should be drawing character sheets for all my characters as a whole. I will need to slot that in sometime somewhere.

Current Project:

"Birthday" - (estimated) Runtime: 5:00

  • Core animation - 96%
  • Backgrounds - 13%
  • VFX - 35%
  • Camera - 99%
  • Lipsyncing - 0%
  • Sound Design - 0%
  • Final Edit - 0%


So there you go, person who read this far down the page. Hows that for a progress report? I think it has good formatting and stuff like that. Laying out my plots and ploys... kind of... Meh, better than nothing.



Posted by ChillyBite - July 15th, 2020


So, considering I've been summoned into the art portal I guess I can consider myself an official legally sanctioned Newgroundian citizen. So I guess I should properly introduce myself.

Yes, I exist. I make music, animation and draw as a hobbyist so my content and uploading routine are quite sporadic. I assure you, I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. So I'm always open to criticism. I make other content but as it doesn't fit into the NG guidelines it ends up on Youtube and/or LBRY, so if I seem inactive I might be doing work over there. Quite frankly, I want Newgrounds to receive only my favourite stuff because Newgrounds is the bestest ever no exceptions. I was also planning on doing a monthly update post to let people know what I've been working on and how it's progressing. It will also help keep me on a leash and stop me from wasting my life on drugs and video games.

Officially, I don't do commissions. I have neither the time nor the audience to do this professionally. Unofficially, I like making stuff as a whole, so if I'm bored or intrigued enough I'm more than happy to take a request. Just don't get your hopes too high up.

Currently I'm working on a project called "Happy Birthday". I've finished the storyboard and script. So I'm beginning the lineart, then colouring, background and finally audio and polishing.


I also have another project called "Marked Shark" that was temporarily lost for a year when my hard drive broke, now that I've gotten it fixed I want to finally get around to finishing it. I've finished the storyboard, script and even the animation for the first scene. I was thinking of releasing it scene by scene on my Youtube, before finally being released in full here on Newgrounds.


So, in summary. There is plenty more to come and I'm not going anywhere soon. I hope we can all have a good laugh while the entire world slowly falls apart leading to mass genocide in the inevitable nuclear holocaust of the third world war. So let's have a little fun while we can, aye mate?
